Rubber Dam Course
Lecturer: Nadeem Younis | BDS MSc DGDP(UK) DPDS
Course Fee: £245
A recent survey showed that not many GDPs use rubber dam routinely for dental procedures. A number of reasons were attributed to this namely poor experience, inadequate teaching etc. Good moisture control is essential for the long-term success of adhesive restorations. The rubber dam course will show you how you can isolate teeth in different situations quickly and with relative ease.
Aims & Objectives
Rubber Dam(n): Friend or Foe?
- Appreciation of the various components of rubber dam kit
- Appreciate clinical situations that would require rubber dam
- Understand moisture control and its implication in adhesive dentistry
- Be able to isolate single tooth and quadrants with rubber dam in a consistent and efficient manner for various clinical situations
Course Content:
- Various methods for moisture control
- Rubber dam sheets
- Classification of clamps
- Auxiliary retention using different techniques
- Floss tie techniques
- Isolating quadrants and sextants for restorative dentistry
- Split dam techniques
- Isolating teeth with fixed appliances
- Isolating severely broken down teeth
Verifiable CPD: 4 hours
8:30 am - 9:00 am
Registration (AM Session)
9:30 am - 10:45 am
Lecture on rubber dam technique
11:00 am - 13:00 pm
Practical session on rubber dam techniques
Denhill House, 21 Radnor Street, Hulme, Manchester, M15 5RD
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- You do not need a PayPal account to complete the booking.
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- You do not need a PayPal account to complete the booking.
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