Anterior Composite Course
Lecturer: Nadeem Younis | BDS MSc DGDP(UK) DPDS
Course Fee: £895
This Anterior Composite Course will enable the delegates to restore small and large defects in anterior teeth in a predictable and consistent manner so that the restoration mimics the natural tooth. A theory with regards to composite resins will be covered but there will be a heavy emphasis on the practical side so that the practitioner will be able to restore various defects confidently.
Aims & Objectives
To enable the delegates to restore anterior teeth with composite resin restorations in a predictable manner.
- Understand anterior tooth anatomy
- Shade matching
- Restore class IV cavities with predictability.
- Fabricate direct composite veneers
- Restore diastemas
- Manage discoloured teeth
- Creating anatomically contact points with matrices
- Appraise different bonding agents
Course Content:
- Classification of Bonding agents
- Shade taking – using different methods of taking shade predictably
- Relating shades of teeth to composites
- Moisture Control
- Anatomy of teeth – identifying various features on incisors, laterals and canines and reproducing them with composites
- Incremental build-up techniques: labiopalatal and palatolabial techniques
- Use of tints for recreating incisal halo, fluorosis effects and crack lines etc
- Different matrices for creating proximal walls
- Polishing of composites predictably and consistently to high luster
- Clinical case studies will be shown covering class IV restorations, diastema closures, composite veneers, tooth wear and restoring discoloured teeth
- Practicals covering diastema closures, Class IV cavities, smile makeovers, veneers, incised edge bonding and restoring the worn anterior teeth using direct freehand techniques using different silicone matrices will be covered
Verifiable CPD: 14 hours
Day 1
9:00 am – 9:30 am Registration
9:30 am – 10:45 am Lecture Anterior Composites
11:00 am – 12:30 pm Lecture Anterior Composites
12:30 pm – 13:30 pm Lunch
13:30 pm – 14:45 pm Step by step build up of central incisor class IV
15:00 pm – 17:00 pm Continue with the buildup of the anterior tooth, finishing, and polishing
Day 2
9:15 am – 10:00 am Lecture on diastema closure and labial veneers
10:00 am – 12:30 pm Practical on diastema closure and labial veneers
12:30 pm – 13:30 pm Lunch
13:30 pm – 14:45 pm Practical session 1: step by step build up four worn upper incisors
15:00 pm – 16:00 pm Practical session 2: step by step build up four worn upper incisors
16:00 pm – 17:00 pm Q + A and feedback